Alert: $60B RRF Replenishment Act Introduced

The Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) has been an incredibly effective recovery tool for the restaurant industry. Still, for too many owners, the $28.6 billion in funding won’t last long enough for them to receive a dollar in disaster funding. The SBA estimates that they need at least an additional $50 billion to fund the applications submitted before the application portal was closed.

The National Restaurant Association (NRA) has been in close contact with the sponsors of the RESTAURANTS Act and is pleased to announce that the RRF Replenishment Act will be introduced. This new legislation will direct $60 billion in funding to the SBA, allowing them to complete the mission and provide sorely needed recovery dollars for the restaurant industry. 

The work of these sponsors, Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS), Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), and Representative Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), has been critical. But they need our help. This bill will not be brought to the floor for debate unless there is broad bipartisan support. Congress heard our voice when they created the RRF – they need to hear from us again to ensure it receives more funding. Many here in Washington think that the return to indoor dining means that the restaurants will be fully back to normal within a few months. The truth is that this industry is incredibly vulnerable and faces a long path to recovery. We need this bill.

If you care about the Restaurant Revitalization Fund and agree that the struggles of the restaurant industry warrant continued federal support, the NRA urges you to weigh in with your representatives in Washington. Add your voice, share your perspective, and together we can move Congress to support our favorite local restaurants.

To learn more about the RRF Replenishment Act, check out this 90-Second Video Update.


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