Chicago Enters Phase 5

The Lakeview Roscoe Village Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce that effective today, June 11th, 2021, Chicago is officially in Phase 5! The move to Phase 5 and full reopening is an incredible accomplishment and a testament to the life-saving power of the COVID-19 vaccine and the hard work of the business community over these past fifteen months.

This move is possible because our COVID-19 metrics are at record lows, and over 50% of Chicagoans are partially vaccinated. In addition, all four reopening metrics are at the lower risk and declining steadily, with the test positivity rate and new daily cases at the lowest level since the pandemic began. While we are thrilled to make this move, COVID-19 is still with us. So the best way to keep the momentum going is to ensure that everyone gets the COVID-19 vaccine!

COVID-19 vaccines are now widely available across Chicago. Individuals can find a vaccine at,, or on our community events calendar. In addition, employers are encouraged to host onsite vaccination events for their employees. Finally, if a business has a relationship with a medical provider, such as onsite flu clinics, consider reaching out. Businesses can see a list of COVID-19 vaccine providers who work with employers here.

For businesses, Phase 5 means lifting most mandatory COVID-19 regulations, including capacity limits, mask mandates, and social distancing. Specific business activities prohibited, such as saunas, self-serve buffets, and indoor playgrounds, can now fully reopen. Businesses are still generally encouraged to support social distancing to the extent possible for unvaccinated customers, especially in indoor settings.

Please note that masks are still required in Phase 5 in specific settings, such as health care, public transportation (including taxis, liveries, and ride-hail services), and congregate facilities. Additionally, it is still recommended that non-vaccinated individuals wear masks when they are indoors and unable to social distance. Therefore, businesses are encouraged to post signage indicating that masks are still recommended for unvaccinated customers.

Additionally, we expect that many businesses may choose to keep specific regulations in place for the safety of their customers and employees, including requiring masks for all customers. The Chamber and City of Chicago support any business that decides to do this – businesses can need masks for all customers and refuse entry to customers that refuse to wear a mask. Businesses that require masks for all patrons should post signage indicating their mask policy so customers are aware before entry. Furthermore, please be aware that many Chicagoans will choose to continue wearing masks, even if they are fully vaccinated. Therefore, businesses should be supportive of customers and employees that choose to continue wearing a face covering.

Finally, please note that existing hour limitations will remain in place until June 26, when the statewide emergency health order expires. This means that alcohol sales from establishments with a Package Goods License must still end at 11:00 pm until June 26. Additionally, establishments with a Late Hour Liquor License need to have fully vaccinated customers during late-night operations. Finally, please note that bars or restaurants with a Tavern or Consumption on Premises-Incidental Activity License can operate under their regular hours - the vaccine-only requirement is in place only during late-night operations at businesses with a Late Hour License until June 26 (between 2:00 am and 4:00 am on Monday through Saturday mornings and between 3:00 am and 5:00 am on Sunday). This will help us keep our momentum going by ensuring that everyone is fully vaccinated in late-night locations where people are closely congregating.

For additional guidance related to Phase 5, please visit and see this Phase 5 Guidance Document. In addition, BACP will be holding a webinar on Monday, June 14, at 2:00 pm to provide an overview of this guidance. Register and learn more at


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Illinois and Chicago Will Fully Reopen Tomorrow, June 11!