Willpower isn't the reason you're not able to remain consistent with your healthy eating goals!
Do you find that you graze mindlessly throughout the day and feel called to the kitchen when you aren’t even hungry? Or maybe you tell yourself you’ll have 3 Oreos after dinner and 10 cookies later you’re feeling physically ill and overall disgusted with yourself. You enjoyed the taste of them but deep down you felt there had to be another reason you couldn’t stop at just three.
Have you had success with eating in alignment with your goals but then you’re not able to remain consistent? Do you have so much information and have had success before, so you’re frustrated that you keep sabotaging yourself and falling off track?
If you feel like food takes up a lot of brain space and you’re exhausted, there is a way to get freedom from constantly thinking about it! If you freed up some of your thoughts about food, think of all the other things you could focus on if it weren’t front-and-center day in and day out.
That type of relief comes from getting to the bottom of why you lose your willpower. SPOILER: It’s not really about lacking discipline!!You already have some great habits that are helping you work towards your goals. You start many days with good intentions and have a plan. You’re even able to string a couple of “good” days together and have likely had success with a way of eating for a while. So you know you can maintain your discipline for a certain period of time. Why are you able to keep it going for a while but not for the long-term?
That’s because something keeps taking you off track and we need to figure out what it is so you can break the cycle!
During this workshop, we’ll get clear on what your goal is. Most likely you’re already taking steps to work towards your goal, where you have one foot on the gas so you aren’t starting from ground zero. On the flip side, you have one foot on the break with some “bad” habits keeping you stuck from reaching your goals. There’s a protective reason for this habit, and it’s not just because you’re lacking discipline.
Ultimately, we uncover the protective story that’s driving your unaligned eating choices and leads you to fall off track or not remain consistent. By the end of the session, you’ll have a renewed sense of hope and will experience relief by seeing how your lack of consistency has nothing to do with loss of willpower or discipline. During this workshop, we’ll get clear on:
* Your goal that’s not a number of the scale
* How it would improve your life immediately
* The habits you’re doing that are currently helping you work towards your goal
* The habits that are keeping you from reaching your goal
* How your “bad” eating is protective
* The root cause of why you battle food and fall off track
After this workshop you'll feel:
* Energized
* Have a renewed sense of hope that things can change
* Relieved to understand what's at the root of your sabotaging behavior
You will learn new things about yourself during this intensive and jam-packed 3.5 hour workshop. The group is kept small to ensure each person gets personalized attention.
(When this session is done privately, the cost is $350. You'll save over $150 for the same approach but in a group setting that will give you additional support from like-minded individuals.)
Client Feedback About the Session:
"I learned a few new things about myself and how to view food in a more positive way." ~Anonymous Client
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