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3 Sneaky Protection Strategies that Drive Self-Sabotage

3 Sneaky Protection Strategies that Drive Self-Sabotage

October 12 from 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM through Zoom

Do you ever find yourself…
* Comparing your body or skills to someone else’s?
* Procrastinating starting a task on your to-do list, and instead plop down on the couch with your favorite snack and zone out while watching TV?
* Making sure everyone around you is comfortable and happy to the point that your needs fall by the wayside?
Have you ever considered whether these behaviors might contribute to self-sabotage or out of control eating?

Picture this: you wake up in the morning with a lengthy to-do list and every intention of conquering it all. But as the day progresses, the overwhelm sets in, leaving you unsure of where to begin. So, you find yourself in the kitchen reaching for a snack. You glance back at your list, get sidetracked, and end up doing something entirely unrelated.

Before you know it, the day is over, and you didn’t accomplish as much as you had hoped. Exhausted, you plop down on the couch, turn on Netflix, pour yourself a glass of wine, and indulge in an assortment of snacks until bedtime. Frustration sets in, and you feel defeated, but you tell yourself that you’ll get back on track tomorrow. Yet, somehow, the next day feels like a repeat of the day before.

What if Laura told you that procrastination, comparison, and accommodation are actually protection strategies that may be contributing to feeling like you’re lacking willpower?

In this workshop you’ll:

* Learn three powerful protection strategies that fuel your out-of-control eating
* Identify which strategy (or strategies) you use most
* Understand when these strategies serve a purpose versus when they sabotage your progress
* Gain effective tools to help break the autopilot eating cycle

If you can’t make it to the live workshop, a recording will be provided so you won’t miss out.

Cost: $35

Event URL:

October 11

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