Join us for lunch and structured B2B speed networking! Expand your network at this multi-chamber event! Be sure to bring lots of business cards with you. Registration includes lunch, raffle prizes, and follow-up contact list.
11:00 to 11:15 - Open Networking
11:15 to 11:30 - Mini Introductions & Instructions
11:30 to 12:20 - Speed Networking
12:20 to 12:30 - Raffle & Announcements
12:30 to 1 - Lunch & Open Networking
This event is hosted by the Edgewater Chamber of Commerce along with the West Ridge Chamber of Commerce, Rogers Park Business Alliance, Uptown Chamber of Commerce, and Lakeview Roscoe Village Chamber of Commerce.
COVID-19 protocols will be based on the requirements of the venue at the time of the event and are subject to change.
Register Here: