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Achieve Success with Investors - Webinar

For many startups, not having enough capital is one of the top reasons why they had to shut down their businesses. However, for many entrepreneurs, pitching their business idea to investors can be nerve-wracking.

Even if you have cash in the bank, there may come a point when your business will have to get additional funding to grow, pursue various contract opportunities, hire more employees, buy inventory, purchase equipment, and start scaling up.

This webinar will guide and assist you as an entrepreneur in understanding where you might find funding and how to appeal to investors. You will learn what investors want and how to position your business for a successful pitch and increase your likelihood of getting funding.

Topics include:

  • How to Think About Your Business

  • What's Standing Between You and Success

  • Where the Money Is and What Investors Want

  • Pitching to Investors and Increasing Your Funding Odds 

  • The Biggest Funding "Secret"

  • How to Stand Out

Register Here:

December 13

Personal Financial Coaching - webinar

December 15

Empower Hour: Wild Blossom Meadery & Winery - Webinar