Lakeview & Roscoe Village in the News
Chicago Scene at Southport Grocery & Cafe
We have seen a lot of great press featuring Lakeview and Roscoe Village businesses! Check them out to learn more about what our neighborhood businesses are up to and watch them shine!
Lakeview Roscoe Village Restaurant Week Features:
Le Sud on WGN Lunchbreak making their smoked ham and cheese croquettes
Dear Margaret on ABC 7 Chicago making grilled trout with rutabaga, clams, and walnut-brandy aillade
WLS 890 AM Radio Segment with Crosby’s Kitchen, Tata’s Tacos, Dear Margaret & Farm Bar, plus tune in to catch Le Sud on tomorrow at 8:30am
WGN Chicago Scene with Southport Grocery & Cafe, Coalfire Pizza & Dona Tola
Lakeview Roscoe Village Restaurant Week in Block Club Chicago