Illinois Small Business Community Navigators Program

To ensure Back to Business funds reach those most in need - the new budget dedicates funding to expanding outreach and technical assistance. This includes the Community Navigator program – leveraging community organizations who know firsthand the needs of their area businesses, to support them in applying and qualifying for funds. The program deploys a hub and spoke model to boost participation in programs by minority-owned businesses and those in hard-to-reach communities. DCEO will partner directly with larger grantees (“hubs”) that engage with smaller local, community-based organizations (“spokes”) to provide direct one-on-one support to targeted businesses. Community navigator services will play an important role in providing technical assistance to disadvantaged businesses seeking to benefit from federal relief efforts.

Potential Applicants: Non-profits and local governments

How Much: $100k - $2m. DCEO will issue up to 15 grants totaling up to $10 million to organizations that collectively cover every part of the state.

Due: June 9th.


Illinois And Chicago are Poised to Fully Reopen on June 11


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